Our Programs
p.A.C referral program
Touching Young Lives receives referrals from several birthing hospitals in Baltimore City where a mother has been identified upon discharge as not having a safe sleeping space for her infant. Mothers can be based in Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Charles County or Cecil County. Referrals are accepted electronically through our website. A mother is met at discharge by a TYL volunteer or educator and provided with a P.A.C and safe sleep education. Follow up is conducted at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months postpartum to assess how often the P.A.C is used, where it is used, and to obtain general feedback from users.
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Cecil County,
Charles County, Dorchester County, Harford County, & Frederick County
better birthing outcomes
The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene at Chase Brexton Healthcare System and Touching Young Lives have collaboratively hosted a series of expecting mom educational seminars, offered quarterly. Each mom is provided with a Portable Alternative Crib at the conclusion of the seminar. Follow up is conducted at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months postpartum to assess how often the P.A.C is used, where it is used, and to obtain general feedback from users.
September 2017 - Present
Chase Brexton Healthcare System
Baltimore County
youth empowerment society
Touching Young Lives has partnered with the Youth Empowerment Society to offer their drop-in transient or homeless clients with safe-sleep education and Portable Alternative Cribs. A safe sleep instructor visits the office every first and third Monday to deliver services and products. Follow up is conducted at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months postpartum to assess how often the P.A.C is used, where it is used, and to obtain general feedback from users.
March 2018 - Present
2315 North Charles Street
Baltimore City
house of ruth
This collaboration with House of Ruth offers safe sleep education along with Portable Alternative Cribs for mothers during emergency interventions. An emergency intervention typically occurs when a mother is in a volatile environment. She may need to move from her home without preparation or childcare supplies. As these mothers work with the House of Ruth to locate new housing, they have limited options and no safe sleeping spaces for their babies - a gap that Touching Young Lives works to fill.
Launching soon
Northeast Baltimore
Baltimore City
Partner with us
Interested in partnering with us to start a program? Contact us now!